One way to turn a ho-hum gift into something special is to make your own wrapping paper. Taking the time to create your own wrapping paper shows the love and care you put into the gift. Plus, making your own gift wrapping helps you try out new craft techniques, use up left-over supplies, or recycle stuff from around the house.
DIY Gift Wrapping Paper

I love this gift wrapping. You can create pretty flower and leaf motifs using a number of techniques. Here are a few ideas for how to make your own gift wrapping.
- Stencil designs onto paper. You can even use brown paper bags from the grocery store for Eco-friendly gift wrap.
- Decoupage pictures and words onto paper. You can create some really fun and creative wrapping paper with decoupage. Cut out some words or phrases from a newspaper or magazine to write what you want on the gift.
- A fun craft idea for the kids is to make fruit and vegetable stamps. You can use apples, potatoes, or whatever item you’d like to cut out a design. Kids love using these homemade stamps to dip into paint and stamp away.
- Cut out strips of paper and roll them up into tight circles. This technique, called quilling, lets you create fun designs with paper. Simply glue these paper curls onto large pieces of paper to create wrapping paper.
The beauty about making your own wrapping paper is that anything goes. Any style, any supply and any technique works. Just have fun with it and see where your imagination takes you.